Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Can you say "we told you so"?

I remember when this story first hit the internets, and people justified this horrible invasion of privacy by pointing to the fact that these machines would only be used on people who set off metal detectors, etc. And us smarty-pants feminist bloggers said, "nuh uh, this is going to be used on everyone and even if it wasn't, a virtual strip search ain't right". Well. Now it's going to be used on everyone. Oh and APPARENTLY passengers approve of this. Yah, right.


IN a shift, the Transportation Security Administration plans to replace the walk-through metal detectors at airport checkpoints with whole-body imaging machines — the kind that provide an image of the naked body.

Initially, the machines were supposed to be used only on passengers who set off the metal detectors, to provide them with an option to the customary secondary physical pat-downs and inspections by electronic wand.

But Robin Kane, the agency’s acting chief technology officer, said that the initial results from pilot tests at some checkpoints at 19 airports in the United States had been so good that the idea of using the machines as the standard checkpoint detectors made sense. Those results included, he said, positive feedback from passengers.

The plan now is that all passengers will “go through the whole-body imager instead of the walk-through metal detector,” he said.