Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fuck you, PETA

h/t to Ann at Feministing who brings us the story of PETA still defending these ads because, basically, they can't think of anything better to get people's attention.

So fuck you PETA, fuck you and your uncreative, sexist, bullshit ads. I liked you better when you were throwing blood at fur wearing celebrities.


  1. I know us sexy sex-poz types NEVER critique sexism or sexuality in the media, right? I mean, damn.

    Yet I would much rather watch hardcore porn than be faced with another PETA stunt that conveniently needs a female nude body to make its point.

    Porn at least is honest in what it intends to do: it's there to help you get off.

  2. Nope, I'm so immune to sex in the media that I..I..noticed it? >.>

  3. "I liked you better when you were throwing blood at fur wearing celebrities."
    True that! I mean, i'm all about animal rights but they should absolutely find a more creative way to do it, this sexism game they insist on continuing to play is getting pretty old...


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